
act of rescue中文是什么意思

  • 救护行为, 紧急避难



  • 例句与用法
  • On the relationship of acts of rescue and forced acts in chinese criminal law
  • Legitimate act of rescue and act of rescue exempt from responsibility have different penal effect
  • Obligation conflict is another case of preventive illegitimacy but not a special act of rescue
  • Although justifiable defense and act of rescue have some similar points , they have a lot of differences
  • Act of rescue has come forth for a long time , and it plays a very important role in every country ' s system info of criminal law
  • Act of rescue is such a case that one person have to infringe on one legal interest to protect another legal interest when another is in danger
  • In continental law system or anglo - american law system , the series of acts that are not constitute crimes such as justifiable defense , act of rescue and so on , are studied within the theories of constitution of crimes
  • One ca n ' t carry out a justifiable defense against a legitimate act of rescue , but he can take an act of rescue again . to abet or help a legitimate act of rescue does not has criminal liability , but it may lead to a crime if some one make use of a legitimate act of rescue
  • To discriminate a deed of avoiding danger whether it belongs to act of rescue , it must possess five terms : 1 there must be real danger . 2 one ' s action must be unavoidable . 3 it must be to protect legal interest from being damage . 4 . it ca n ' t exceed some extent
  • According to different standards , act of rescue can be classified into legitimate act of rescue and act of rescue exempt from responsibility , statutory act of rescue and act of rescue beyond the law , etc . scholars of the civil law countries , for example , in germany or japan , put forward a lot of theories about the character and basis of act of rescue
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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