act = 1.Association of Classroom Teachers (美国)任课教师协会。 2.American College Test 美国大学测验。 3.Australian Capital Territory (澳大利亚)首都直辖区。 n. 1.行为;举动;动作。 2.决议,决议书;法令,条例。 3.(戏剧的)幕,段;简短的节目。 4.(牛津;剑桥等大学的)学位论文答辩。 an act of hostility 【法律】敌对行为。 Act III, Scene ii 第三幕,第二场。 Act and deed 有约束力的契约;文据。 Act of God [Providence, Nature] 【法律】不可抗力,天灾。 Act of grace 恩典,特典;〔A-〕大赦令。 Act of Parliament [Congress] 法令。 The Acts (of the Apostles) (基督教《圣经新约全书》中的)《使徒行传》。 Get into the act 插手,参加。 Have act or part in 参与,是…的同谋犯。 In the (very) act (of) 正在动作时;当场 (be caught in the act 当场被捕)。 Put on an act 〔口语〕装腔;炫耀自己。 To be in act to 〔古语〕将要。 vt. 1.演(戏);扮演(角色)。 2.学,仿效,装。 Act the lord 装阔。 He acted his part well. 他演得不错;他做得不错。 vi. 1.作,干,实行,举止。 2.生效,发生作用。 3.当演员;充当,装作。 act the fool 做傻事情;出洋相。 How ought I to act? 我应该怎么办呢? The medicine acts well. 药效不错。 The brake did not act. 煞车不灵了。 Act against 违反(法律等);作不利于…的事。 Act a part 扮演;装作,做戏。 Act as (guide) 做(向导)。 Act for 代理。 Act on 1. 遵行,奉行,按照…行动。 2. 作用于,对…起作用[反应],影响到,有效验 (Mind acts upon mind. 心心相印)。 Act one's age 〔美口〕行为聪明有礼,有大人气了,不再顽皮了。 Act the part of (Hamlet benefactor), 演(哈姆雷特);做(保护人)。 Act towards (a person) 待人。 Act up 〔美口〕 1. 开玩笑,调皮。 2. (机器等)出毛病。 Act up to 实行,遵守,遵照。 Act upon= act on (We must heed the correct views, and act upon them. 对正确的意见必须听,并且照它做)。 Acting in the spirit of 本着…的精神。
On the relationship of acts of rescue and forced acts in chinese criminal law 我国刑法中的紧急避险与被迫行为关系之多维检视
Legitimate act of rescue and act of rescue exempt from responsibility have different penal effect 合法化的和免责的紧急避险具有不同的刑法效果。
Obligation conflict is another case of preventive illegitimacy but not a special act of rescue 义务冲突是另一类阻却违法事由,不是紧急避险的一种特殊情形。
Although justifiable defense and act of rescue have some similar points , they have a lot of differences 正当防卫与紧急避险虽有一些相同点但也有很多的不同。
Act of rescue has come forth for a long time , and it plays a very important role in every country ' s system info of criminal law 紧急避险由来已久,并在现代各国刑法理论体系中占有重要的地位。
Act of rescue is such a case that one person have to infringe on one legal interest to protect another legal interest when another is in danger 紧急避险是指当合法利益处于一种不牺牲另一种合法利益就无法避免的损害危险中时,牺牲另一合法利益以保全前一个合法利益的情况。
In continental law system or anglo - american law system , the series of acts that are not constitute crimes such as justifiable defense , act of rescue and so on , are studied within the theories of constitution of crimes 以正当防卫、紧急避险为代表的一系列不构成犯罪的行为,大陆法系与英美法系都是在犯罪构成内部来研究的,它们不构成犯罪都可以通过不符合犯罪构成得到说明。
One ca n ' t carry out a justifiable defense against a legitimate act of rescue , but he can take an act of rescue again . to abet or help a legitimate act of rescue does not has criminal liability , but it may lead to a crime if some one make use of a legitimate act of rescue 对合法化紧急避险不得进行正当防卫,但可再行紧急避险;在合法化紧急避险的场合,没有构成教唆犯或帮助犯的可能,但利用合法化紧急避险可构成犯罪。
To discriminate a deed of avoiding danger whether it belongs to act of rescue , it must possess five terms : 1 there must be real danger . 2 one ' s action must be unavoidable . 3 it must be to protect legal interest from being damage . 4 . it ca n ' t exceed some extent 避险行为要成立紧急避险,必须具备五个要件:必须要有现实的危险;避险行为必须出于不得已;必须是为了使合法权益免受危险损害的行为;避险行为不得超过必要的限度;避险行为必须具有社会相当性。
According to different standards , act of rescue can be classified into legitimate act of rescue and act of rescue exempt from responsibility , statutory act of rescue and act of rescue beyond the law , etc . scholars of the civil law countries , for example , in germany or japan , put forward a lot of theories about the character and basis of act of rescue 根据不同的标准,可对紧急避险作出诸如合法化紧急避险与免责紧急避险、法定的紧急避险与超法规的紧急避险的不同分类。德、日等大陆法系国家学界对紧急避险的法律性质和根据提出了多种学说,我国理论界受有缺陷的犯罪构成理论禁锢,对该问题的研究尚未深入展开。